Tips on how to get rid of puffy eyes and wrinkles naturally

4 min read

Tips on how to get rid of puffy eyes and wrinkles naturally

There is a famous saying that the eye is the window to the soul, an idea that you can recognize a person's emotions and sometimes thoughts by looking into their eyes. However, what if you are totally fine and it's just that the bumps under your eyes are not cooperating at all? As you may know, wrinkles under the eye start showing up as we get older, though it is all natural because it is part of the aging process. However, you will still start noticing wrinkles, fine lines, greying of hair and dark circles in your late 30s.  Regardless of that, you can still slow down the aging phase and prevent it from happening so fast by using natural home remedies. 

What's really causing the puffy eyes?

According to Dermatologist Arielle Kauvar, MD "Puffiness develops because the structures supporting the eyelids weaken. The skin thins, the muscles relax, and the normal fat that supports the eye can descend into the lower eyelid. Excess fluid can pool in this area from water retention, poor lymph drainage, and poor muscle function." Though it's all about our genetic anatomy, still our everyday routine and activities make them look worse, like sleep deprivation, consuming a lot of salty meals or smoking.

What's really causing the wrinkles

The same as having puffy eyes it is also part of the ageing phase, as you get older your skin naturally becomes less elastic and more fragile. You can also notice the appearance of wrinkles in your face and neck, back of the hands, and arms, this is the result of too much exposure to the sun. Smoking and dehydration are also some factors in the development of wrinkles.

Home remedies to prevent the early appearance of wrinkles and puffy eyes.

  • Coffee Bean
  • Almost everyone loves drinking coffee to boost their energy but little do they know it also has benefits to the skin. Coffee is rich in antioxidants that help fight free radicals that can lead to skin damage. Applying coffee directly to the skin helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, according to  Beverly Hills MD Cosmeceuticals "caffeine content in coffee is thought to help dilate blood vessels that contribute to dark circles". 

    What you'll need 

    • Freshly ground coffee bean powder
    • olive oil

    What To Do 

    • Mix equal parts coffee powder with olive oil.
    • Create a paste by mixing a couple of drops of water.
    •  Apply under the eyes, and leave it for 15 minutes.
    • Wash your face and gently pat it dry with a soft towel.
    • Repeat every day

  • Cucumber
  • Cucumber is already known for treating dark circles and puffy eyes. Research has shown that the juice of the cucumber can reduce swelling, soothe damaged skin, and stimulate antioxidant activity. It also has a cooling effect on the eyes and eases the blood flow around the eyes 

    What you'll need

    • chilled cucumbers

    What To Do 

    • Start by washing your face and pat it with a dry towel.
    • Cut off both ends of the cucumber and throw it away. You will only need two thick slices of cucumber. Remember to peel the cucumber skin off, as it could contain pesticides that you don’t want near your eyes.
    • Apply it around the eyes and over the wrinkles for 15 minutes

  • Banana
  • As you age you lose collagen, collagen is responsible for making your skin tight and less production of collagen will result in wrinkles. Bananas help increase the production of collagen in our skin. Applying Banana paste on the face helps to keep the skin moisturised and nourished as it is rich in Vitamins A and C

    What you'll need

    • One ripe banana

    What To Do

    • Mash the banana into a fine paste.
    • Gently rub it around the eyes and leave it for 15 minutes.
    • Wash with lukewarm water.
    • Repeat every day

  • Yoghurt
  • Yoghurt consists of Vitamin D and Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, these all help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Aside from these amazing Vitamins Yoghurt also has alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) which help exfoliate the dead skin cells and promote the increased production of collagen. This keeps the skin smooth and wrinkle-free.

    What you'll need

    • Yoghurt
    • Honey
    • A few drops of rose water

    What To Do

    • Mix all the ingredients in a cup to make a paste.
    • Apply the paste on the face and under the eyes and leave it on for 20 minutes.
    • Rinse your face with lukewarm water and dry with a soft towel.
    • Do it once a day

    If you have tried it all but it doesn't seem to work you can try to apply Vitamin C Serum. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that produces or creates collagen in the skin and helps in reducing wrinkles.Eyes with Radiance Serum from Beauty by Jabees is a vitamin C product that is best for all skin types. It reduces the wrinkle depth on your skin after a short period of two weeks! Works to get rid of that tired look by energizing your skin and giving you a renewed refreshing look. And it also reduces puffiness on the face by helping to reduce inflammation under the skin. If you’re looking for something to target concerns like wrinkles, sagging and brightening, I highly recommend the Eyes With Radiance Serum. It works with all skin types, yes all skin types! And it penetrates deeper into the skin at the cellular level.


    Be sure to give any new skin treatment at least a few weeks before moving on to another treatment, whether it’s a natural home remedy or a ready-to-use product. If you’re still not seeing the desired results after several weeks of treatment you may consult with your dermatologist. 



