Pregnancy Skincare Ingredients to Avoid

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Pregnancy Skincare Ingredients to Avoid

Pregnancy is a delicate situation for women either the first time or the second time around. Your skin will go through as many changes during your pregnancy as the baby growing inside you from stretch marks and itchiness to acne and rashes. Most pregnant women are aware of what's okay and what's not to eat for their health and the baby as well including the medicines and vitamins. However, they don’t usually realize that what they put onto their skin can be just as significant. You may already have your own daily skincare routine and these products pass through your skin and are absorbed into your body but not all ingredients in your skincare product are safe for your baby, most of them are poisons.

  • Retinol, Retinoids
  • During pregnancy, it's crucial for women to experience acne due to an increase in hormones, you may never experience acne before but there is a chance that you might during your pregnancy. However, there are some women who are blessed with amazing genes and hormones that even when they are pregnant they still glow and have no trace of unwanted skin problems. 

    When it comes to acne retinol and retinoids are effective treatments for acne, it helps unblock pores. Retinoids and retinol are both forms of Vitamin A, however, they have different time frames. Retinoids are FDA approved and are often only available with a prescription, while retinol is available over the counter.

    The use of Retinol and Retinoids even products that have ingredients of it are not recommended for pregnant women, it may result in multiple effects on the developing embryo and fetus including miscarriage, premature delivery and a variety of birth defects.

  • Hydroquinone
  • Hydroquinone is a skin-lightening agent which can be helpful when treating different forms of hyperpigmentation including Melasma, which frequently first shows up during pregnancy. How does it work? When applying products that have Hydroquinone it reduces the production of your Melanin which is responsible for the color of a person's hair, eyes and skin. If you have a dark complexion and are constantly using a Hydroquinone agent sooner or later your color will lighten. There is a test of Hydroquinone in animals that create birth defects, but it is still inconclusive for humans. However, it is listed as category C ingredients for pregnant women. As others may say "It's better to be safe than to be sorry

  • Chemical Sunscreen
  • Sunscreens may contain possible hormone disruptors like oxybenzone, which may result   in permanent damage to mother and baby. If you need to protect yourself from the sun, use physical sun protection instead of chemical sunscreens. Physical sunscreen acts as a physical barrier between your skin and the sun. Rather than absorbing into the skin like their chemical counterparts, physical sunscreens sit on the surface of the skin and reflect the sun’s rays.

  • Phthalates
  • According to the website Healthline, Phthalates are“endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in many beauty and personal products. Cosmetics are the top source of phthalate exposure, and the most common phthalate you’ll find in beauty products is diethylphthalate (DEP)" Sometimes most cosmetic brands hide the phthalates in their fragrances. Beauty by Jabees products are all fragrance-free like the  Eyes with Radiance SerumGlow Up Essence Face Serum and  Energy Boosting Wash. The ingredients are very gentle, rich and gender-neutral.


    There are a lot of things to consider if you are pregnant, you have to take care of your health and the baby as well. 


